Jan. 29, 2003, 11:34 p.m. / / / / WhO's WhO



(Alias: Tasha, Tash, Taka, Anastazia, Z, Danny, that bitch, lil red, banana, wifey, auntie, shawty)

The main player in this game called life. She is holding shit down though despite the ignorance of others. She�s a 20 year old half breed, Bronx born, Bronx raised, currently living in North Carolina, sweetheart when she wants to be, bitch all the damn time, biker , under-paid and over-worked, studious, loving, respected or she will shoot you, writing, soon to be bartending, stud loving, inked and pierced, 100% femme. Her favorite color is blue. Despite what people thinks she really likes flowers, sunsets and girly stuff � not just guns and bikes. She also is a nymphomaniac � her mind is always thinking about something nasty and is always in the gutter. Natasha can be known for the usual hang-ups, a curt �fuck you�, and over use of the word �so� (i.e. �that was SO not cool.�). Her absolute favorite cussword would have to be �mothafucka�. Another word she overuses. Is obsessed with this season of American Idol and is rooting for the light skin big gurl! Over all her only goal is to be a wonderful mother wife and writer.


(Alias: Taylor, Shanae�, �this mothafucka�, �my heaven sent angel�, �my hell bound demon�, sigh)

What can we say about Tara? She changes so much from day to day it�s difficult to describe her place in this game. She is Natasha�s 21 year old �ex?� girlfriend. (Please make note of the question mark by the �ex�. No one knows what's really happening between them.) Often is overprotective � and tends hold her feelings inside. Will usually bring up shit that happened in October around June/July. Has a temper and very quiet � a very deadly combination. Needless to say their arguments are usually intense. The only thing that is certain is that she does love Natasha. Final conclusion � not ready for relationships.


(Alias: Gemi, Mille, Chaka, Miss Ford, Cutie Pie)

Good ol� Gemille. Tara and Natasha�s friend. In the beginning was Tara�s best friend until some drama went down when Gemille moved to Maine. So now Natasha and Gemille talk more than Tara and she does. Is the god-�father� to Natasha�s children and is considered Natasha�s big sister. Gemille has had her fare share of heartache. But now she has found her princess. Lesley, her 5�11 ex-ballet dancer is now her private dancer *hehe*.


(Alias: Puerto Rock, ChaChi, Dali, Lena)

The big bad villain in this game. She is actually the most influential person in Natasha�s life. Would spoil her rotten if she was given the opportunity. However respects the fact that nothing will ever be between Natasha and herself. Everyone think she is a major threat to any relationship Natasha acquires� all the way in Puerto Rico. She finds this very amusing. *wicked*


(Alias: P.J, Rona, Patrice)

Had the biggest crush on Natasha. Is the one who listened when she cried over Tara time and time again. Is the one who saw the pain when Natasha lost her job. Is the only one that can call Natasha an asshole or hang up on her and get away with it. They were supposed to be room mates. The two have planned an eventful year. We�ll see if everything spans out considering the fact that Sharona is leaving for St. Louis.


(Alias: Ann, A.J, Miss Hampton, sexy thang)

Antoinette is Tara�s cousin and basically Natasha�s only femme friend. Is possibly the only person that understands Tara. Could it be that it�s because they�re just alike? Antoinette has a heart and a smile of gold. Is one of the most level headed persons Natasha knows. Is the god-�mother� of Natasha�s children.


(Alias: feisty big sister, Taya, LaToi, sis, head bitch)

Natasha older and very much wiser sister. Sometimes Natasha thinks she knows everything but Taya is quick to tell someone she knows didly squat. Speaks her mind even when you really don�t want to hear it. Will tell someone �oh please� in a heartbeat. Often winds up hating most of her little sister�s ex�s. No one is quite sure why though. Has a beautiful daughter Devan age 1 that was born the day after Natasha�s birthday. Will probably wind up with a teen-age daughter that acts JUST like her little sister. Something she prays doesn�t happen.


(Alias: L, Renee�, L-boogie, green eyes, lil bitch)

Natasha�s younger and very na�ve sister. Has turned 16 and a sex fiend! Asks Natasha questions about sex that makes her want to choke the hell out of her little yellow ass. Thinks she knows everything but will be clued in when Natasha returns to NYC in February.

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