Feb. 24, 2005, 3:48 p.m. / / / / games galore

The Official (p)Resident Bush Speechified Drinking Game

Every time he says "terror," take a shot.
Every time he says "freedom," take a shot.
Every time he says "democracy," take 2 shots.
Every time he mentions our "brave men and women in combat," salute...and then take a shot.
Every time he mentions a "faith-based initiative," throw your shot glass at the TV.
Any mention of Iraq, Saddam Hussein or the Iraqi people gets a shot.
Every time he mentions how we "liberated" something, throw confetti...and then take a shot.
Every time he says the words "nest egg," do the chicken dance...and then take a shot.
Every time he mentions September 11, take 3 shots.
Any mention of Israel gets 2 shots.
Any mention of Palestinian "terrorists" or of North Korea gets a shot.
Every time he wants more money for something, everyone throws a dollar on the table. Whomever is still left standing at the end of the speech gets the money. If there is more then one person left at the end of Bush's yammering, then continue the game into the Democratic Rebuttal.

before after


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