Aug. 30, 2003, 5:16 p.m. / / / / When it's too good for a title

We rekindled our romantic candle last night. We needed it though. I don't even know how to explain it. We were even arguing last night. It's hard you know ... but we're still going strong. We drove to Fayeteville ... and let me tell you it started off horribly. We couldn't find the hotel and LeY was getting pissed off. We spent almost two and a half hours looking for the Holiday Inn Bordeaux. Finally we found the hotel and got all checked in. That's where the real drama began.

Let me first state that I am by all means a spoiled ass brat! I admit to that. I would have to say about 60% of the arguments we have are due to me and my attitude *hangs my head low*. It's just sometimes I need to have things done or said exactly they way I want them done or said and WHEN I want them done or said. Last night was one of those times. We got to the hotel and I wanted to call Antoinette while I was in town so we could hook up because I haven't see her since February. Anyway my cell phone wasn't working *which I was highly pissed about* AND the hotel line was dead. To make a long story short I had a major 'tude which made LeY pissed! Needless to say the night was going sour.

I figured since I started it ... I had to resolve it. So I used the only method I knew and that was flirtatious bullying *hey you have your ways and I have mines*. So a little pushing and shoving her on the bed, climbing on top of her, and bitting her neck did the trick. Not to mention how sexy I look when I act all rough *wink*.

LeY gives me the best sex that I have ever had ... It was amazing. There is a difference between fucking, having sex, and making love but last night the three seemed to merge together. We pleased each other in ways unimaginable. I love that girl. Lawd ham mercy we needed last night. Four hours of complete hair grabing, shit talking, "if this is wrong dammit I don't wanna be right" bliss. Four hours of exploring each other's limits. Mmmmm enticing. Yeah last night sleep came easily and fast.

This morning while drifting in and out of sleep I would catch glimpses of our arms intertwined. It looked like a white chocolate penut butter cup ... her arm fair in color from her mother's caucasion persuasion ... mines golden brown like my brazilian ancestors. We were ment to be together. My body fits perfectly in the folds of her arms and to tell you the truth people I could lay there forever.

before after


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