Aug. 30, 2003, 8:03 p.m. / / / / Share my world ...

It feels good to know that the things that I say and the situations that I have been thru help others who read this diary. That's what it is all about. The entire art of writing and collectively sharing your thoughts is about helping the next person. Just today, on our way back from Fayeteville, LeY and I were talking. I expressed to her that I didn't know what I was going to do when I got out of school. I've always wanted to write but I never thought I was "good" enough to hang with the big dawgs. Today I got a note from Natty saying that something I had said touched her. It ment so much to me for someone to say that. So if you happen to read this You are very much welcomed. Now I know it's okay to not be the best, as long as I get my point across my blessings come from within myself ... knowing that I have accomplished something. Well I have to get ready for work tomorrow ... Peace and Love yall


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