Aug. 27, 2003, 12:28 p.m. / / / / She's the best

I love hearing an old song and thinking back to the time when it first came out and I herd it. And to think about what I was doing and where I was in my life. It feels good knowing that I have come from so far ... and I still have a ways to go.

I had the weirdest dream last night. I am in love with Papasan Chairs. Ever since my best friend got one and I sat in it at her house I've wanted one. So anyway I had this dream that I was good and pregnant and I wanted this papasan chair so bad. So anyway I guess I was having a girl because LeY, my wonderful/brilliant/amazing/loving girlfriend had it dyed pink. It felt so real ... like I could actually feel my stomach and it was hard to the touch. It was incredible. So in this dream we went to my Aunt Toni and Uncle Bee's house and we were just eating and having fun with my family and then my Aunt asked me had I told my grandmother about the baby yet. And for some reason my mother was there but she wasn't saying anything. So I told my aunt no I hadn't spoken to my grandmother and she handed me some money and told me to go and see my grandmother. So LeY and I were on our way to see her and on the way their I decided that I didn't want her to know and I was trying to suck my stomach in as if I was trying to hide it from her. It was crazy. I've been having the weirdest dreams lately. I guess it's all the late night bowls of cereal that I eat, lol.

So I am now truely convinced that I have the best most loving same sex/lover/girlfriend ever to walk this earth. Last night she was laying on the couch watching her favorite show Cold Case Files on A&E and i'm getting undressed to get ready for bed. So I get my clothes on and she tells me to come to her. I go and she's like "damn baby your getting skinny" WHAT!!! She's the best. I had asked her the other day did it appear that I was loosing any weight and she said she couldn't tell. But last night she could. You know I tried to be modest and say no hun it's just the shirt I have on and she was like no I saw it when you were naked. I was smiling so hard. I don't know why it looks that way though. I feel as if I eat every damn thing in sight now a days. I don't know what it is but I just though I would let everyone know that. Okay i'm going to do the rest of my laundry.


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