Aug. 27, 2003, 3:40 p.m. / / / / Layers

Thank you Nella.


* Name: Natasha Danielle Alston (soon to be Robbins)

* Birthdate: 9/25/82

* Birthplace: Bronx, New York City

* Current Location: Raleigh, North Carolina

* Eye Color: dark brown

* Hair Color: Brown with Reddish tint I got from my mother's side of the family.

* Height: 5'7 1/2

* Righty or Lefty: I can do everything with my left hand but write. So what does that make me?

* Zodiac Sign: A very balanced Libra


* Your heritage: African American, Brazilian, Dominican, and Native American

* The shoes you wore today: Socks ... I haven't been out the house all day.

* Your weakness: money, my girlfriend's smile

* Your fears: failure, dying

* Your perfect pizza: meat lovers, mmmm

* Goal you'd like to achieve: learn to swim, stop thinking the worse 1st


* Your most overused phrase on AIM: LMAO

* Your thoughts first waking up: �Just five more minutes..."

* Your best physical feature: Get back to me on that

* Your bedtime: Whenever I fall asleep


* Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi

* McDonald's or Burger King: McDonald's

* Single or group dates: Just me and her

* Adidas or Nike: Don't make me chose

* Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Lipton

* Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate

* Cappuccino or coffee: neither. Starbuck's Frappuccino


* smoke: no, I like my lungs

* Cuss: Too much

* Sing: uh, I guess I like to but I sound horrid

* Take a shower everyday: 2 or 3 times a day

* Have a crush(es): just on Angelina Jolie but that's healthy

* Do you think you've been in love: I am IN love now

* Want to go to college: been there done that

* Like high school: LIKED high school, past tense

* Want to get married: yep! will be doing so in a few years

* Believe in yourself: depends on what it is

* Get motion sickness: yes

* Think you're attractive: Hell yeah.

* Think you're a health freak: Nope

* Get along with your parents: For the most part yeah, my moms. But i'm glad like hell we don't live in the same state

* Play an instrument: I wish I did.


* Drank alcohol: Yes, and I get toasted. Alcohol is my friend.

* Smoked: Like I said, I like my lungs

* Done a drug: weed

* Had Sex: Yes. Everyday if I could

* Made Out: A lot

* Gone on a date: Yeah, duh I have a girlfriend and we go out.

* Gone to the mall?: I like the mall but LeY hates it

* Eaten an entire box of Oreos: No i'm not an oreo fan

* Eaten sushi: Yeah. I like sushi.

* Been on stage: Yes, in high school.

* Gone skating: not for the longest time.

* Made homemade cookies: I have before yes.

* Gone skinny dipping: Nope. Too self- conscious for that.

* Dyed your hair: Yeah back in high school, seems as if I was more adventurous back then

* Stolen anything: yeah ...a ring from tweet's job. Ohh i'm bad!!


* Played a game that required removal of clothing: Just with LeY

* If so, was it mixed company: nah

* Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Too many times. I can control myself though for the most part�

* Been caught "doing something": Yes a couple times by some nosey ass people

* Been called a tease: all the time

* Gotten beaten up: Never in my life

* Shoplifted: No

* Changed who you were to fit in: I am sure that I done this many of times but does anyone openly admit to this? No


* Age you hope to be married: at least by 24

* Numbers and Names of Children: I want 4, LeY wants 6 ... all their names begining with the letter A

* Describe your dream wedding: I want a fall wedding ... she wants a beach summer wedding ... so somewhere in between

* How do you want to die: hopefully fast. Painless in my sleep

* What country would you most like to visit: Brazil

LAYER NINE: In a guy/girl..

* Best eye color? Brown

* Best hair color? Dark brown or black

* Short or long hair: Both

* Height: LeY's height

* Best articles of clothing: whatever she's wearying


* Number of drugs taken illegally: never, too scared I would get addicted

* Number of people I could trust with my life: two and that is myself and LeY

* Number of CDs that I own: who needs cd's when you have Kazaa?

* Number of piercings: two ear and tongue

* Number of tattoos: three going on four

* Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: I don't know who are you?

* Number of scars on my body: I was a pretty safe kid and adult

* Number of things in my past that I regret: Some of my relationships. Won't name which one.

before after


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