Aug. 24, 2003, 9:13 p.m. / / / / Sunday Ramblings

I don't really feel like writing but I don't have anything else to do. LeY and I were play fighting this morning and things got a little rough. HEHE she was squeezing the hell out of my chin so I dug my nails in her arm. She's a little bruised up but that's what she gets, hehe. I know she's going to kill me when she reads this. But she knows I love her a LOT. So guess who I spoke to online today. AJ!!!! AJ (also known as Ann or Antoinette) is Tara's cousin. She is probably the only person I consider a friend in North Carolina. Anyway she's doing really well and I'm so proud of her. She's always been there for me despite what her cousin and I have been thru. But yeah I'm real happy that she's finally settled down and became a one woman woman. AJ was a little playa back in her day boy ... she'd have them girls wildin' out.

Last night LeY and I talked about us moving to Atlanta. We've decided that we will NOT bring in 2006 still in NC. I have so many mixed emotions about it. It's like this is a big deal for the both of us. It's a big commitment. Neither one of us has family in Atlanta so we'll be moving someplace and starting fresh. I guess it's a bit exciting too. The GLBT community in Atl is as good as NYC. So yeah ... we just talked about the worries and fears we have going into this big step not only for us as individuals but also as a couple. But like I said before we still have an entire year plus some to think about it.

Well since I don't have anything else to say I'll just end it here.


before after


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