Aug. 23, 2003, 3:31 p.m. / / / / Boring saturdays

It sucks like hell to get online and see that no one has posted in their diaries. HELLO PEOPLE my buddy list should be so red it looks like a damn pig was slaughtered in the process.

I have been online looking at some really nice and affordable apartments in the Atlanta metro area (see previous entry). I think we might try the College Park area. We haven't really sat down and discussed it. But we have over a year to do so. Both the headquarters for our jobs are in Atlanta so finding employment wont be a big issue. And transfering schools shouldn't be also.

Anyway I feel a headache comming along and I'm pretty much exhausted so I'm calling it quits. If I have more to say then I'll post again. If not that's all for today folks.


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