Aug. 22, 2003, 5:54 p.m. / / / / TGIF

WHOA for like twenty minutes it said that I could not connect to the database. What the hell was that about. I was about to panic for a minute. I thought that damn SoBig virus had gotten into my diaryland account also. (If you wanna know how to protect your system from this worm check out the website www.sophos.com)

Hey peeps. It's been a major long week and I'm glad like hell it's over. I have training tomorrow at 9 in the morning. Please hold while I curb my enthusiasm. I am NOT a morning person but I am one of those peoples who likes to add up the cool points with the bossman by comming in a little earlier.

I had a lot to say but then I started reading the diaries on here and I got kind of side tracked. I miss my wife. She's at work (like always) and I want her here. I hope she gets off early so I can just lay in her arms all night. Well not ALL night because I have to wash my hair (grrrr). I hate washing my hair. Well it's not that I hate washing it ... it's just I hate doing it. When I first started growing my locs I was like this is cool ... I don't have to do my hair. WRONG. I think I do my hair more NOW than I did when I was wearing it in a relaxed style and longer. It's growing so much and well ... i'm a lazy ass. But it really needs to be done. SHIT! So anyway I guess that's all I had to say. OH wait I did want to talk about LeY and I moving to Atlanta in 2005. YEP if everything goes as planned then we'll be moving sometime in the beginning of 2005. I'm amped. It's only the year after next so I guess I have to get on the move so I can be ready for it when the time comes.

Guess who in the hell I got an email from. My ex's mother. Terrance's mother sent me an email. Well for those of you who DON'T know who Terrance is sit back and let me explain. See it all started back when I was about 13. LOL to make a long story short ... he was the last male that I ever dated and truely cared about. So he's in jail in Washington STATE for attempted robbery and assult with a deadly weapon and I believe drug trafficing (what a man ey?) so anyway his moms sends me an email (because all of my ex's parents love me beyond their control) telling me that she wants to buy me a ticket to Detroit so I can see Jay (the nickname I have called him since I met him) when he gets out of jail. Hmmmm now why in the HELL would I want to see the man that has caused me so much emotional grief thru out my adult life? Okay my point exactly. SO I haven't said anything back to her. I'm guessing Jay has YET to tell his mother I've moved on and well ... I'm a lesbian. Yeah so i'm like hmmmm nope. And besides I can't stand to be away from LeY for that long. I know that seems utterly ridiculous but ... I can't. Well it's not so much I can't it's I don't like to. So anyway that's all I really wanted to talk about right now. My entries haven't had much substance to them. I really don't have shit to talk about. It should be an interesting next few days though. We'll see.


1. When was the last time you laughed?

A good belly laugh?? I try to have one atleast once a day. I can't remember though.

2. Who was the last person you had an argument with? LeY. We're always arguing about something silly and of no importance.

3. Who was the last person you emailed?

errrrrr MY MOTHER. She pissed me off so I had to tell her about herself via email. It's always better live though.

4. When was the last time you bathed?

Hell I BATHE everyday. But took a BATH... At Tweets house sometime in July. But I shower regularly.

5. What was the last thing you ate? Pizza and salad at CC's pizza in Cary. It was good while I was eating it but now I have to take a shit which is NOT good.


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