2002-10-30, 11:07 a.m. / / / / Movies


Now Playing�"Movies" by Ashanti - Courtesy Of: *BSE_Music4You* Used with permission

song is currently unavailable! *sad face*


�Ashanti did it with this song and �Baby�. However I think this one is more of a heart felt tune. If you�re into music the way I am (because I am learning the very art of it all), you have to let the song sort of embrace you. Let the melody capture you attention and let it play in your soul � where you can feel it. And I�m talking about really feel it! I�m like those girls in the movies. I have someone that is so in love that she will soon be dropping down to her knees. Ever been really cold? Teeth chattering and limbs numb to the point where your body is vigorously trying to heat itself? So cold that your organs are shivering? Then someone comes along and gives you a blanket and turns the heat on full blast. You know that comfort you felt when your body finally got warm. That is what my *heaven sent angel* does for me. She is that blanket of warmth for me and I don�t know what I would do with out it. LOL maybe freeze to death but that�s another story. It goes without saying � my LOVE will always be here to stay. I love you Ms. Taylor � wherever you are right now � if you�re reading this you have made me one of the happiest people on this earth and no matter what they say or how they treat you my heart is always your home. I am proud of who you are now and who you will be in the future � my wife � my provider � my supporter � the father of my children � and always my heart. *Besos*


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