Jan. 15, 2003, 12:43 a.m. / / / / Same Ol' Convo

... for some reason while i was on the phone with PJ i had this sudden urge to lay down and cry ... and i did ... and after i felt better ... but for some reason i have no clue as to what i was crying about ... maybe it was because im over seven thousand dollars in debt ... or maybe it's because i have until the summer time to find an apartment ... or maybe its because i feel like the one person i love the most isn�t quite sure if she feels the same way about me ... or maybe its because im twenty years old and i don�t have shit to show for myself ... or maybe its because im just in over my head right now ... hell ion know ... if i could sleep until my birthday that would be nice ... yeah ... sleep ...


Yvette called me tonight ... how uncanny is it that while im on the phone with her, Tara is sending me offline messages on Yahoo? She always seems to catch me when i really don�t want to talk to anyone ... so when i 1st pick up the phone im pretty reluctant to hang up on anyone that ask for me ... she's not used to asking for Tasha and usually she just asks for Danny ... but she knew that my grandmother would more than likely pick up so she used my real name ... her accent has gotten a lot deeper since the last time we talked. Being in Puerto Rico might do that to some ppl ... so i have no idea who this is sounding distant as hell (she's on her cell phone) and with this thick ass accent ... so im like ... i don�t have time for this. just as im about to be like whatever and hang up she's like its me Danny ... Vette ... HAPPY NEW YEAR!

*you can hear the smile in her voice but i guess when you live on a tropical island what more can you do but smile.*

why aren't you happy to hear from me? what�s wrong?

its nothing ... where are you?

in my jeep. what the hell is wrong?

Ma i really don�t feel like talking, can you gimme me a call later?

hell no! not till i know what the hell is goin on with you.

if you don�t chill wit the raising your voice im goin to hang up on you.

*never since we have known each other has Yvette hung up on me nor me on her*

whoa � it�s like that between us now? A very LONG pause.

No � it�s not. I�m sorry. It�s been a long day and im just tired. Work has me stressing hard.

Nah dis more than work related � this some shit you been on for a minute.

*Yvette style of music sucks, lol. She�s listening to Puddle of Mud or some shit like that and its killing me*

Can you turn that shit off, PLEASE. Laughter what the hell is that anyway?

*whatever the name of the band is* � damn you not even in the car and STILL controlling the radio.

*she fiddles with the c.d. player and I hear Jaheim*

okay now can I hear a smile or something? I know you too well to know that not just work has you stressing like this. Oh and I have some news for you.

what news? It�s really nothing Vette � oh im taking guitar lessons � and in May im goin to bike week in SC � Myrtle Beach. And im goin home to get my car soon. And im moving into my own place, soon.

Oh so I got somewhere to lay my head when I come instead of the Best Western hu? Damn u know I wanna go but I got summer session so I can transfer to U of Florida Miami � oh and I got a new car � Honda CR-V � that was my news � im not goin back to Miami State � and that was about it � im single AGAIN! can you believe it?

yes � actually I can. WHAT HAPPENED TO MY MONTERO SPORT NIGGA!!! I have a stalker � remember the chick that threw me up on the car � when I 1st moved down here � Tamra � yeah she�s back in town and has been doin ill shit. Knocking on my window at like 4 in the morning and shit. Coming to my job � and you know im not �out� at my job � so that shit looks suspicious and shyt. But anyway yeah. I cant believe you got rid of my damn jeep. Im so damn ill with you.

D � im in the jeep now � I just got a new car das all. You know im not giving up my baby. Well at least not THIS one. And what the fuck you mean you have a stalker � and I know its not that same bitch I was bout to fuck up when I was there for your birthday? Oh my god � wait till I come to NC in June � have you told Tara? How are you and Tara?

yeah das her � but anyway Tara and I we � we are better. We hit a hard � hard spot the last couple of weeks. I thought she was gon lose her mind when I told her about that psycho bytch. She was mad as all hell!! � Well since you got funds and shit to get another car then give me the Montero Sport.

I knew I left my boo in good care. You want it you can have it � I like the Honda better anyway *geesh im spoiled wink* my battery is goin dead so if I don�t call you when I get back to the house im goin to call you bright and early while I go running so be up big head �

Okay � bye Cha Chi � *laughter*

ewww don�t call me that! Bye Danny love you � be safe � and you tell that bytch I said �.


Her phone went dead � im sure she�s gonna keep her word about calling me at the crack of mothafucken dawn. Im goin for rest now � good night mortal souls �

before after


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