Jan. 14, 2005, 7:29 a.m. / / / / Guess Who's Back

Hey everyone. I know I know... it's been seven days since my last confession, lol. I didn't have it in me to tell you the truth to write in here. But it's a new year and I would love to keep my diary updated atleast once every other day if not everyday. I'm still feeling as I was seven days ago. I still need to get away and my "FUCK YOU" list has gotten expedientially longer as the days pass. I have finally realized that people, for the most part, will do anything in their power to put you down and/or make you feel extremely retarded just to apease themselves. Un-FUCKING-believable. At anyrate I'll have to come back later and get more in depth. I'm up to my damn nostrils in work and it's only 7:30 in the am. I'll holla later.


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