Dec. 15, 2004, 12:57 p.m. / / / / Just stopping in

I just ate engulfed my lunch and whaddya know ... a sista is still hungry. I don't know what it is with me and eating like a slave straight off the boat but ... it's seriously about to become a problem. Especially for my best fitting jeans and my circulation. I'm supposed to go to this hair consultation with Sophia today and I realized that I'm so foul. I felt so guilty about letting someone else besides Karma touch my naps. She's so good to me. She's always been good to me. And this is how I repay her. By letting someone run their fingers thru her teritory. I should be shot ... not only for that but for forgetting one of my BEST friends birthday. HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY GEMILLE. Please excuse my forgetfulness. It's all the "maryjane" I've consumed in my 22 years of living. *lost thought* I was just thinking about something and lost it that quick. Maybe it was because someone walked by my office with a shiny object and well I just couldn't help myself. *Funny Shit* I had therapy yesterday and I was telling Jenn how bad my attention span has been over the past few weeks. It's so true though. If I'm uberly (the hell? Either I made that one up or saw it in one of the BILLION blogs I read a day and put my own meaning on it) focused on something and someone happens to walk by with anything shiny ... I'm fucked. I'm totally in another place. She had this genuine look of concern and then responded "You should talk to Dr. E (my psychiatrist, Oh! how screwed up I am) about that. Do you think you might have adult ADD? The HELL?! All I could do was bust out laughing. Although sometimes I am very scattered, and I do say I feel as if I'm suffering for A-ADD, I don't think it's that serious. Bless her for being paid to care. And we're walking ...

I'm working on a few serious entries. When I will finish them is still up for debate. I like my ramblings of nothing. The build character *snickers*. Well I'm going back to reading blogs now ... HA you thought I was going to say I'm going back to work, didn't you?


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