Sept. 27, 2003, 5:36 p.m. / / / / Another Rambling Saturday Entry

Thank you to all who made my birthday unforgetable. I have to tell you all that left notes and emails ... It ment SO much to me to know that people whom I have never met, took the time out to wish me a happy and safe birthday. I don't know how much I can say thank you but ... thanks.

I had such a wonderful time with Ashley these past days. She did my hair for me the night before my birthday. The day of, we went to pick her check up and start our day. Of course nothing can go as planned on my birthday. They "cheated" (for lack of a better word) her out of almost 18 hours. She was highly pissed off but didn't want my birthday to be ruined so she let it slide. She had all these extravagant plans in store and because of those hours she hadn't been paid for it pretty much came to an end. We were going to go to the club and all but didn't. It was no big deal to me you know ... I just wanted to spend some much needed time with my girlfriend. She started feeling bad because we couldn't do all that she had planned ... which in turn made ME feel bad because she felt bad ... and well it was just an ongoing "feel bad" moment. We went and got a hotel room in Apex and spent some quality time together. Then we went out to eat at the Olive Garden (mmmmm) and that was pretty much it. I spoke to all my family and friends and that was all she wrote. I spent the day with the most important person in my life right now and I was just as happy. So just to let everyone know my birthday went well and I sincerely enjoyed it. Thanks.


I consider myself to be an idealist*. Not in everything ... just some things. I don't know if I should go as far as calling myself an idealist... more of a dreamer. When it comes to my future I tend to jump to the part where LeY and I are settled, running our own business, married with children and all. I can see LeY running her own magazine like she wants ... and myself ... being her editor in chief or something. I can picture the days of laying in bed and not having to report to an office or answering to anyone else but my children's cries of "mommieeeee". I can hear her coming home from her own office somewhere in Atlanta (or wherever we start our family). I can see myself with Avery, fresh out of diapers and pregnant again ... clicking away at an unfinished article for next months issue. But what I don't see ... or choose not to acknowlegde are the LONG years of trials and tribulations. The hours upon hours of school and working for "the man". I tend to sometimes forget about that. I look for comfort in my daydreams. I guess it's like Calgon ... takes me away from the everyday stresses of reality. *shrugs* I guess so...


A Child of God?

First born to Pamela and Larry?

Sister to Antaya, Lia Terie', Adonis, Nathaniel, Nadijah, Michael, Lau'Ren, Donnell...?

Cousin to Adona, Kia, Maci, Rakheim, Jaylin, Johnathan...?

Niece to Toni, Bernard, Bruce, Tammi, Angie and many more?

First Grandchild of Nana, Pa Pa, Grandpa, Abuela and Granddaddy?

Best friend of Katrina, Vavaria and LaToyia ?

Mother of MecKayla and Iyanah?

Godmother of Tiajee', Jaden, and Alexis?

Lover of God, Life and Creating?

Believer of family first.. after GOD.

A Lyoness, who is sensual, full of passion and compassionate yet a force to be reckoned with?

Simply put? Me

So i'm not sure if that's all I had to say or not ... I started this diary at 5:36pm, and it's now 7:46pm. Well it's almost time for LeY to get off of work. So I guess I should be heading that way. I went to Warlocks Tattoo place over on Western Blv. (for those that are familiar with the Triangle) and got the price for my next tattoo. I've finally decided to get another one. This one will be "Poetic's Lady" on my right thigh. with some sort of design in back of it. Okay picture it like this: draw a circle and then write Poetic's Lady in front of the circle you just drew and *whahla* you have part of my tattoo. The next step is trying to figure out what I want that circle to be. Ernie (the pot bellied tattoo artist) suggested a sort of tye dye illusion with the rainbow colors. Then the read head at the front desk suggested a peace symbol filled with the rainbow color. I dunno. How 'bout everyone who reads this diary also send me their suggestions. Okay I'm seriously outa here now.

Love is Love


before after


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