Sept. 02, 2003, 9:25 p.m. / / / / Random Entry

So I don't know what's worse ... my cell phone being completely dead ... or my cell phone being completely dead and NOT having a charger. Hmmm I would say the latter. LeY's at work as usual and I'm waiting for her to get off. I am extremely tired. This getting up early in the morning is going to take some ... a LOT of getting used to. I need to make another trip to Oxford to get some more of my things. My grandmother called me today ... thank God for voice mail cause Lord knows I didn't feel like talking to her today. This will more than likely be another one of those random entries that I frequently write. There are 23 days untill my birthday. I still have no idea what's going to happen. LeY said we'll probably go to the beach *grinning* so I'll be laying up with my baby. It'll probably be better than the last time we went cause it wont be as hot. *does a little happy dance* I'm so excited. I get happy when I think about spending time with just her. Okay I think that's all I have to say for now. I have to update since LeY doesn't. Everyone send her a note and tell her she needs to update more often, lol. Love is Love peeps


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