Dec. 20, 2004, 3:24 p.m. / / / / a short entry

I am very proud to say that I haven't done anything today. And it feels very good. Well as of today my car is officially out of commision. The sunovabitch wouldn't start this morning and LeY just informed me that it wouldn't start just a few moments ago. My life is officially the shittiest thing I know of right now. Oh in more shitty news about my life, my water bill is over 300$ and is in jeapordy of being cut off, lol. Talk about lifes road blocks. Hell atleast I can laugh about it right? Pffffft I have an appointment with my psychiatrist tomorrow. Hooray to medication. Anyway I'm depressed ... I was going to talk about Kathleen's wedding but I'd rather not right now. I would like to be in a better mood when I do so. At anyrate I hope you all enjoy the new layout and all that other good stuff.


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