Dec. 13, 2004, 11:49 a.m. / / / / Guess who's back?

So I haven't written in a while I know. Please excuse the bout of laziness I went thru the last couple of days. To tell you the truth I really just wasn't feeling it. I'm back now though and really that's all that matters. Lets see what's been going on in my life since I've last blogged. Err I still have a gaping hole that used to house my passenger side window. My mom has been in *and out ... thanks for your prayeres* of surgery sucessfully. She goes back in, however sometime in the new year. Ah what else? I've finally found a wonderful and talented person to design my site. Go check her out. I've been looking for a long time. I wanted someone who was reliable and affordable. I think I've made the right decision. Anyway ... Gemille came home this weekend and I was SOOOO excited. It's been almost two years since I've seen her. It felt so good to have her home again even though it was just for a weekend. She still looks the same. She's cut her hair *which I'm sill highly upset about* but overall she's the same Gem from before. We talked about pretty much everything. She's talking to this new girl and I just adore her. She's so nice and sweet. She's leaving to return to St. Louis today and I'm kind of sad to see her go but I know she'll be back soon enough. Oh yeah I won some tickets on the radio a few weeks ago to see a special viewing of Fade To Black. Let me tell you that this movie was HOTT AS HELL!!!!!!! It was so good you though you was actually at Jay Z's last concert at the garden. Needless to say I was homesick as HELL by the time I got out of that movie theater. I was talking to Gemille about this music shit ... and it's definitely time for us to really get this off the ground. We didn't have much time to talk about it being that she only spent Friday night at my house and then went on to see her family down in Fairmont. But we're going to get on the ball with it. I can't wait either. To work with one of my best friends doing something that I've always wanted to do ... it's exciting. I'll keep you updated.


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