Nov. 02, 2004, 9:09 a.m. / / / / VOTE OR PUFFY WILL KILL YOU!!!!

I'm startin' to believe that I'm way too much for you
All that talk but it seems like it can't come through ...


I voted today. It was my first presidential election and it was a MAJOR one. I'm wearing my "I Voted" sticker so proudly this morning. I'm hyped this morning. I had to work last night at Spencer's and I wasn't too thrilled about it ... I was about to quit like six times. I don't think I'm going to like it there. But I need the money so I'm going to stick it out. I don't have my weekends to me anymore but I guess that comes with the responsibility. I just hope they don't think that just because I do have the weekends off, that means I'll be able to work every damn weekend because that my dears is a liar liar pants on fire situation. Anyway I'm going to see Omar Tyree on NCSU's campus tomorrow. I'm so excited about that being that I have read ALL of his books. The key to being a great writer is to be a great reader. Between Ashley and I, we have over 200 books in our bookcase and all over the house. There's two bookcases in the living room and one in the office. But anyway ... I have a shitload of work on my desk so I have to hurry up and finish it because I'm leaving work at around 2.15 ... I'll holla later peeps.


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