Nov. 01, 2004, 11:51 a.m. / / / / Chaos ....

I used to be such an organized person. I used to know when all my appointments were. I used to know what time everything I had scheduled was. Now ... I'm lucky if I can get to work on time. I don't know what's been up with me lately. Getting this second job has been taking its toll on me. I don't know what made me get another retail position. I haven't worked in retail in over two years. And now I know why. It's so energy consuming. I can deal with people if I know them and I am comfortable around them. I'm kind of shy when it comes to the general public. Oh and don't get an attitude with me. I'll go off in a minute and a half. But getting back to my lack of organization. I'd been trying to vote ALL weekend. I guess with a mixture of laziness and lack of time, I missed it. I was not about to stand in those long ass lines at the polls. I'll be disappointed in myself if I don't vote ... so now tomorrow I have to get up at 5am to get to the polls by 6am. Hopefully it won't be as hectic as it was out there this weekend. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow that I would have forgotten about had I not been in the hospital early Sunday morning (long story and I don't wanna talk about it). So not only do I have to work DDS tomorrow but I also have to make time to vote and go to the doctor's office. And who's not going to be out on election night is ME! Folks down here are a little off in the head. I'm not trying to be anywhere near a redneck when John Kerry's elected our next president. Anyway I'm sleepy and I'm going to TRY to finish the rest of this junk on my desk. I'll be back later.


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