Oct. 28, 2004, 12:18 p.m. / / / / Random Bullshit

WARNING: This entry is about random nothings. It's stupid and it probably wont make sense. Read at your own discression.

I am anal ... about EVERYTHING!!! There is a certain way I do things and I like to have things and if they aren't like that I'm not a happy person. That's crazy isn't it. For example ... when we get the newspaper, I always have to read it first because I can't STAND wrinkled paper. Ashley and her momma good for that shit too. They tear the newspaper all to hell and then ask if I wanna read it. MOFO please! I'll just buy another one. OH and I hate for a sheet of paper that I want to keep straight and in tact gets sat on or messed up in my bag or something. Ashley's good for this one. She'll plop her ass down anywhere and won't even look to see if she'll sit on anything. And I don't like for certain foods to touch either. GOD I HATE when my foods mix. I'll throw it away before I eat two things together that don't go. NO WAY IN HELL. Call me crazy, whatever! When I go home for the holiday's my grandmother or my mother always fixes my plate. ALWAYS. When I go home I get to be spoiled. But anyway they know not to put stuff together on my plate. For instance, I love potatoe salad. But PLEASE don't put it on my plate with the rest of my food. I'd be highly pissed. And I can't drink water out of a plastic cup or straw. One ... it's nasty. Two ... the water seems to take on the taste of plastic and well it makes me gag. So yeah those are some of my most intolerable pet peeves and analisms (yeah I make up my own damn words)

I don't feel good. I've been writing this entry since this morning and I'm just now finishing it. It's utterly ridiculous how cold they have this office. If I had nuts they'd been fallen off by now. Anyway I'm tired anc cranky so I'm going now.


before after


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