Sept. 15, 2003, 10:21 a.m. / / / / Stopping In

LeY and I had been arguing this week. It like started on Saturday. We've been going to bed mad at each other and everything. And I've been a TOTAL bitch. But yesterday she came to pick me up from work and she got me a lil' gift bag. And inside was a dream journal, a Nora Jones cd, and a beautiful card. I told you I had the BEST girlfriend known to man. She's so good to me even when I don't deserve it. But I love her with everything in me. So when I get paid Friday i'm going to get her this DJ Scribble's toy she so badly wants and we're going to get out nails and feet done. LOL. YAYYYY. Okay that's pretty much all I had to say. I have things to do now.


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