Aug. 15, 2003, 4:20 p.m. / / / / Friday Five

1. How much time do you spend online each day? Too damn much time if I should say so myself. Being that LeY's at work most of the time I try to entertain myself with the internet. Although I have caught up on some good reading.

2. What is your browser homepage set to?

Yahoo.com if i'm at home. But when i'm at the library its at NC State University's library homepage.

3. Do you use any instant messaging programs? If so, which one(s)? LOL who doesn't. I have aol and yahoo. Those two are what I use the most but I also have MSN.

4. Where was your first webpage located?

My very 1st webpage was on Blackplanet and my name was Spoiledbrat925. Now mainly all I keep is my diaryland which you are reading now. Oh and I also have my geocities homepage which is http://www.geocities.com/t_sexy6969

5. How long have you had your current website? I started my diaryland website on September 20th 2003 ... i'm almost at a year ...


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